Международна олимпиада по основните науки

Institute for the Development of Education and Social Technologies Kurgan region

Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers was established on July 15, 1943 as a resource center of the system of education. Functions of the employees included: studying, summarizing and distribution of the best teaching practices; organization of sectional methodics associations in actual problems of education; preparation and holding of congresses and conferences. Accumulation of the scientific potential of IATT was determined by appearance of departments in its structure. Two departments had been established at the Institute by 1991: “Social Sciences” and “Pedagogics and Psychology”. Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Employees in Education of Kurgan region was created on the basis of IATT on July 11, 1991. During the period of existence of IATREE, teachers of the Institute defended 4 Doctors’ and 33 Candidates’ theses, and 23 people got an academic degree of an Associate Professor. In 2011 IATREE of Kurgan region got a new status – it became “State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education “Institute for Development of Education and Social Technologies”.

Rector of the Institute: Kugan Boris Alekseevich, Rector, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, a full member of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, Best Teacher Awardee of the Russian Federation, Teacher Emeritus of the Russian Federation. In 2001 he was awarded with the Order of Friendship, and in 2010 he got the Medal of K.D. Ushinsky.

First Pro-rector – Pro-rector in Science and Innovative Activities: Krivolapova Nina Anatolyevna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Best Teacher Awardee of the Russian Federation, Teacher Emeritus of the Russian Federation.

Main directions of cooperation: joint holding of an academic project for teaching employees “International Pedagogical Workshop”. Main objectives of the project: improvement of professional competences of teachers, formation of theoretical and practical readiness of teachers to adoption of the new generation Federal Educational Standards, exchange of experience, expansion of international educational and communication relations.

38, Pichugina Street, 640000, Kurgan

Tel/fax: 23-53-07,

E-mail: KIPK@yandex.ru


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