International Basic Sciences Knowledge Contest

Jan-Lyuk Moro

Jean-Luc Moreau is a famous French poet, linguist and translator.

He was born on October 02, 1937 in the city of Tours. Mr Moreau is an author of books of poems, stories, essays, translations and anthologies.

In particular, he likes to write for children and youth. Many of his poems were set to music. For example, the following books of poems: “Muscovy”, “Under the Mask of Words”, “Flange in the Heart”, “Riddles”, “Poems of the Green Mouse”. “The Russian Poems” and “Poems of Hungary” are among his anthologies.

He was awarded with the Ronsard Prize in 1963 (the Jury was chaired by Jean Cocteau), Verlaine Prize of the House of Poetry in 1973, Tristan Tzara Prize (SGDL) in 1986, translation prize in 1994 (awarded by the Ministry for Education of Finland as a foreign translator), Tristan Dereme Prize in 2003.

He has been the Honorary Professor of University of Joensuu in Finland since 1995. Jean-Luc Moreau was appointed in 2004 as a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, Arts and Belles-Lettres of Touraine.

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